# Server: ## Change this to your own domain/ip. ## Example -> https://example.com or URL=https://ig.opnxng.com # CACHE: ## Set to false to disable cache (not recommended). CACHE=true ## Redis url, example -> redis:// ## If using docker -> redis:6379 REDIS_URL=proxigram-redis:6379 ## Don't keep it too high! ## 7|m|h|d EXPIRE_TIME_FOR_RSS=1d # No more than 2d, images and videos will break EXPIRE_TIME_FOR_POST=1d EXPIRE_TIME_FOR_POSTS=1d EXPIRE_TIME_FOR_PROFILE=1d EXPIRE_TIME_FOR_STORIES=1d # Proxy: ## Proxy all the images and videos through the instance. ## If set to false, images and videos will be loaded from the provider server decreasing privacy for the end user. PROXY=true # Providers: ## Fetch the providers URLs remotly. ## If set to false, it will cached the list of providers once. New providers will have to be added manually FETCH_PROVIDERS=true ## If FETCH_PROVIDERS is set to true, provide how often you want to re-fetch; ## 7|m|h|d FETCH_PROVIDERS_EVERY=7d ## Add a custom remote providers list. ## OFFICIAL: https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/proxigram-providers/raw/branch/main/providers.json PROVIDERS_LIST_URL=https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/proxigram-providers/raw/branch/main/providers.json ## If set to false, providers which depends on a headless browser will not be used. ## If set to true, you should run one of the next commands to install the chromium binary. ## npm install playwright-chromium@1.34.3 ## pnpm add playwright-chromium@1.34.3 ## yarn add playwright-chromium@1.34.3 USE_HEADLESS_PROVIDERS=false # RSS: ## Set to false to disable RSS. RSS=true ## Maximum 12. ITEMS_PER_RSS=10 ## In ms. SLEEP_TIME_PER_REQUEST=5