# Ansible playbook for Opnxng deployment An Ansible playbook to deploy Docker services to our servers and another to back up important data. `ansible-playbook -i "production" "deploy.yaml"` `ansible-playbook -i "production" "back-up.yaml"` ## Services The services are hosted on one Vultr and four Oracle servers. A [variables file](vars/services.yaml) defines the services to be deployed or already deployed. They are deployed with [Compose files](templates/compose) and load balanced according to the [Caddyfile](templates/conf/Caddyfile.j2). ## Configurations Our caddy server blocks IP ranges that have been involved in mass spams. The [block range file](https://github.com/ProjectSegfault/ansible/blob/master/privfrontends/blocked-ranges.yaml) is created by [ProjectSegfault](https://projectsegfau.lt/). Thanks to their team. Data of our Privatebin, Etherpad, and Gitea instances are backed up periodically. Passwords and other sensitive data are kept locally as encrypted variables in [secrets.yaml](vars/secrets.example.yaml). We host an Authelia and Firefox stack that is restricted to specific users only. Their related files are also kept locally. ## Contact Please contact us via [email](mailto:opnxng@tuta.io) if you discover any vulnerability or area for improvement in our infrastructure. We would truly appreciate it.