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# Ansible playbook for setting up VPSs
An Ansible playbook for setting up VPSs (for Opnxng). It works for Debian-based servers in any architecture.
## Before running
To install Debian on Oracle Cloud, refer to [this documentation](ORACLECLOUD.md).
On a fresh Debian system, replace the default `debian` user:
# Give root account a password
sudo passwd root
# Configurate SSHD to temporarily allow root login with password
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/sshd.conf
# Login as root, add new user and delete debian user
su root
sudo groupmod -n [user] debian
sudo usermod -l [user] debian
sudo usermod -d /home/[user] -m [user]
sudo passwd [user]
sudo userdel debian
sudo rm -r /home/debian
# Switched [user]
su [user]
sudo passwd -dl root
# Configurate SSHD again to allow [user] login and to set a custom port
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/sshd.conf
## Configurations
You can modify the [packages to be installed](set-up.yaml) and the [UFW rules](roles/ufw/tasks/main.yaml).
Passwords and other sensitive data are kept locally as encrypted variables in [secrets.yaml](vars/secrets.example.yaml).
## Contact
Please contact us via [email](mailto:opnxng@tuta.io) if you discover any vulnerability or area for improvement in our infrastructure. We would truly appreciate it.